WE ARE SO BACK! First Update in 2 YEaRS!

Howdy chums, It’s DynoStorm.

You may have noticed or not (if you’ve never been here) that I have spiced up my website to be more than just a “collect email addresses so I can email people when my game is released” site. All my stuff is now here:




MUSIC (Thunder)


I feel I’ve been somewhat directionless for a while now, unsure of what to do with my company and where I should go as a games developer. Last year I decided to change course and make a smaller game WESTMEN, I threw together a prototype in 3 months and it was very positively received.

I have since started working on a full version of the game for steam and other platforms. I’m using Godot 4 as I feel I need a change, free and open source is also something I can back. No matter how “bizarre” the guys behind godot get, I’ll never be forced to pay them for export modules or anything nor login to confirm my license. Free and open source is the best software, in the future I’d like to switch to Linux too.

However since working on WESTMEN, I’ve been a little unsure of myself and where I should take my brand, who I should collaborate with. I’ve been very fortunate to find developers who haven’t completely lost their minds in this culture war and others who have no skin in it.

I think rebuilding this website to be more like my older websites where I showcase more things and write more things is a necessary process to get my sense of direction back. I look back on what I used to do, the animation, the games development, the music, I see how my creations affected others, it was a very positive thing. I’ve had many bouts of depression over my life and the last few years has been a rollercoaster, only now am I feeling like I’m close to regaining my confidence. I wish I could’ve recovered faster but sadly, these things do just take time. I also needed to learn a lot of lessons, often the hard way to get to this point. Mistakes will not be made again, I will never have a setback like this again. I’m so back!

Let’s get WESTMEN done! I hope you’re all ready for this game, it’s pretty nuts. Devlogs, New Character Reveals, Multiplayer? Coming to Steam and mobile. LETS GOOOOO!

If you read this article all the way through, here’s a little treat ^^

Your treat

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